Repotting an Orchid -“Out of its Pot”

Phalaenopsis orchids are monopodial, that is, they have but one stem from which the leaves grow. As it gets older, bottom leaves fall of, leaving exposed, the “stem” from which the older leaves came out. Eventually, the plants leaves and some extended “dead” stem are up above the potting medium, hence, “out of its pot.”

Newest roots are not in the potting medium, so they dry quickly.

You can see the dead stem, with no healthy roots. I cut it off just below the healthy roots, letting me better fit it into a fresh pot.

Below is a typical Phal potting mix. Sponge rock to aerate (the white stuff), chunks of coconut husk to prevent packing down, medium fir bark (my favorite kind of orchid bark), some sphagnum moss to hold water, and a bit of horticultural charcoal to prevent mildew smells.

Here is the finished repot, with the bottom healthy leaf just at the level of the potting medium.