Two cuttings planted around April 2022. Notice they have spawned a forest of babies.

Haworthia often have leaves that seem to be almost transparent. I am trying to propagate Haworthia Cymbiformis and Haworthia Retusa. I’ve planted leaves and divisions. We shall see.

My Cassula Falcatas (Propeller plant) are getting ready to bloom. First time for me. New pic when it is in full flower.

The Succ Truck is a rolling cart I use to let me get the smaller succulents out of the rain.

Hope you’re enjoying your retirement, Paul! It seems that you are from your blog. From Facebook I happened upon and enjoyed reading about your travels and the art museums as well as seeing photos of the art; however, I thought I was going to see some photos of you! 🙂
Write me sometime! I’d love to hear about you and where you are!
P.S. Love your succulents, too.
I wish I could keep my succulents alive! Hope all is well and you are having fun!